Surgery FAQ's

Why do contact lenses need to be left out prior to the surgery?

Contact lenses change the shape of your cornea for up to several weeks after you have stopped using them. Depending on the type of contact lenses you wear:

  • Soft Contact Lenses - 1 week before 
  • Hard Contact Lenses - 2 weeks before

How long does the surgery take?

From start to finish the entire procedure per eye is around 15 minutes, however, the actual laser treatment lasts for around a minute per eye.

Is Laser Vision Correction surgery painful?

A mild relaxant will be given to you prior to surgery and the procedure is performed using local anaesthetic eye drops. Once the local anaesthetic wears off, you may feel discomfort as your eyes will start to feel irritable and very sensitive to light. You will be given some analgesic tablets to alleviate any discomfort that you may experience. With PRK these painkillers need to be stronger and used for a little longer that for LASIK.

What if I move my eye during the surgery?

The iRES laser features a state-of-the-art eyetracking system, developed exclusively for iVIS Technologies. This high-speed, eyetracking system monitors your eye movements and makes sure the laser treats the correct area of your eye. The laser will follow the movement of your eye or stop if your eye moves outside the treatment area. In fact, people do not have greate trouble keeping the eye still for the required time because it is so short, particularly with the extremely high speed laser used in Ashford Advanced Eye Care.

Is the procedure safe?

Most people are very pleased with the results of their refractive surgery. However, like all type of surgical procedures, LVC carries a degree of risk and complications. Your Ashford Eye Care Specialist will explain in further detail possible complications.

Is Laser Vision Correction (LVC) permanent?

Yes, LVC changes the shape and focus of your cornea permanently. However, it is important to understand that this does not mean your vision does not change over the years. For instance, near vision fails in every eye in our late 40's. Laser does not cause this nor does it prevent it. If you are over 45 you will have already experienced this and there are alternate laser treatments for this problem.


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